Minneapolis Chapter report for January 2022
submitted by Candy Bakion
As the newly promoted Minneapolis MICAH Chapter Organizer, I am excited to get the process rolling and starting. I look forward to reaching out to everyone in my area. I have been attending other MICAH chapter meetings to gain greater knowledge and in amazement of all the great work.
In December the Blue Line Coalition and Ms. La Shella Sims received MICAH’s Community Hero Awards which is a great honor. Hopefully we will have a photo of the presentation in the next newsletter.
Also with the Blue Line, the Anti-Displacement working group had the third of its four meetings, which are all-day trainings, and the topic was Cultural Displacement. I’ll have a link to the training when it comes out. Here is a link to the Met Council Blue Line Modification Report. I was honored to be a part of the panel and gave a short presentation; I look forward to our next working group meeting in January or February.