MICAH - Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing - Our Mission

MICAH lives out the prophetic vision that calls us "to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God". (Micah 6:8).
MICAH envisions a metropolitan area where everyone, without exception, has a safe, decent, accessible, and affordable home.

Please join us to make MICAH's vision a reality.

Bring America Home NOW

Bring America Home Now is a comprehensive, multi-agency, grassroots campaign to end homelessness in the United States. Led by people who have themselves experienced homelessness, we focus on the passage of federal legislation aimed at addressing the interconnected solutions to the decades-long epidemic of homelessness.

But you can Learn More Here.



Chapter Meetings

We are currently holding our meetings online.
Please write our contact for further information on joining in.

NorthEast (Ramsey & Washington Counties) - 2nd Tuesday, 8:00 to 9:30am, Contact: John Slade, slade@micah.org

South (Dakota County) - 2nd Tuesday, 5:00pm. Contact: Sue Watlov Phillips, sue@micah.org

Anoka (Anoka County) - 2nd Thursday, 9am, Contact: Sue Watlov Phillips, sue@micah.org

St. Paul - 3rd Thursday, 5:00pm. Contact: John Slade, slade@micah.org

Housing For All (Hennepin County) - 3rd Thursday 10am. Contact: Sue Watlov Phillips, sue@micah.org

We will reevaluate the staffing, meeting, and events policy as the situation continues.
You may reach us by email and phone, contact details on our
staff page or our chapter pages.