Interactive Discussions and Listening Sessions - 6 Month Series

Interactive Discussions on 4 decades of growing Homelessness and Housing NOW 2020!

Join us on the first Monday of each month - October through March; 5:30 - 7:30pm.
Exception: The February discussion will be held on the 10th

Light dinner provided.

Elim Church
Dining Room
685 13th Ave. NE
Mpls. MN 55413
Enter Madison Street Door

$5 covers food and materials.
Free to People experiencing at risk homelessness/housing crisis & MICAH Members

October 7, 2019:

A. Homeless History: Colonial to early 1980s

  1. Great Depression- 1970s changes- demolition of downtown-urban renewal/economic changes, deinstitutionalization, redlining

  2. Reagan years- (Without Housing graphics)- Federal Housing Cuts

  3. Right to Shelter Law Suit- New York City -Bob Hayes, Coalition For The Homeless

  4. Initial beginnings of NCH in 1981-83. Chicago national meeting 1983

  5. Health Care for the Homeless: Comic Relief: 1985

B. 30th Anniversary of Housing Now! March and Rally: Homeless Movement Organizes, 1983- 1990

  1. Shelter development, Building Take overs, Hunger Strikes, Grate Sleep Out- CCNV

  2. Homeless Survival Act/Urgent Relief Act/McKinney Act ($1B in federal funding over 2 year authorized for HUD, HHS, VA, DoL, ED)

  • Winter vigil outside Capitol

  • Lobbying campaign

  1. 1986 Tax code changes- took away incentives for ma and pa landlords-created LIHTC.

  2. Farm foreclosures- Rural homelessness

  3. Hands Across America (1986)

  4. Homeless Unions

  5. 1987 Cities in D.C. (CCNV organized) doing actions on Capitol Hill

  6. 1988 National Summit in Atlanta on Dr. King’s Birthday: 300 + People Experiencing Homelessness traveled to Atlanta and CREATED the concept and name of “Housing NOW!” (Sponsored by Mitch Snyder and CCNV and Metro Atlanta Task Force)

  7. 1988 Super Tuesday Homeless March in Atlanta (NY Coalition and Metro Atlanta Task Force)

  8. 1988 Democratic National Convention in Atlanta — Brat Pack tour Homeless facilities, (MATF)

  9. 1988 Housing Now! Passage of Cranston Gonzales Affordable Housing Act 1990/ CHAS/ Consolidated Plan

  10. Homeless Memorial Day/ Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week

  11. Housing NOW 1989 March for Affordable Housing - CSPAN Video

November 4, 2019: Homeless Movement expands with resources and completion 1990-1995

  1. NCH, NLCHP, National Alliance to End Homelessness, CSH, National Health Care for the Homeless, Housing First- model transitional providers had been using for a decade)

  2. 1990 NLCHP files lawsuit (NCH filed Amicus Brief) against the Commerce Department for Census “S” Night Count

  3. Homeless definition –restricted by HUD. More inclusive in other Federal agencies

  4. Block grant vs competitive grant – development of CoC.

  5. 1994 Death of Homeless Woman in Bus Shelter across street from HUD/ Sec. Cisneros holds nation-wide competition for demonstration grants to add emergency beds to keep people from dying

  6. 1995 First Super NOFA released by Sec. Cuomo

  7. Racism- including mass incarceration/mental health and substance abuse

  8. Rural homelessness/Native American homelessness/migrants and colonias

  9. Many advocates become service providers, decrease grassroots organizing

  10. Continuum of housing- outreach, prevention, shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, affordable housing.

  11. NLCHP publishes first report on criminalization of homelessness (1991)

  12. Homeless Education litigation

  13. Base closures legislation

  14. Hope VI

  15. Beyond McKinney Initiative launched, calls for long terms solutions focused on Housing, Income, Services, Civil Rights

December 2, 2019: Homeless Movement and Contract with America (Contract on America) 1995-2000

  1. 1996 Welfare Reform – NCH’s Welfare to What?

  2. 1996-Olympics in Atlanta

  3. Homeless Movement and Contract with America ( Contract on the poor) 1995-2000 [Dec 2019]

  4. 1995 First Super NOFA: Sec. Cuomo meets with NCH Board

  5. 1996 Super Bowl in Atlanta : Massive street sweeps

  6. 1996 Welfare Reform

  7. 1996 Atlanta Olympics, 9,0000 African American Homeless Men arrested during year before games

  8. 1996 Federal lawsuit Filed Against City of Atlanta for “Arrests Without Probable Cause” (Settlement for five plaintiffs)

  9. Criminalization of Homelessness by Cities/Voting Restrictions

  10. Hate Crimes

  11. Development of HMIS- sorting populations, data becomes more important than housing and services)

  12. Prevention, Rapid Exit becomes Rapid Re- Housing NCH Speaker’s Bureau formalized

  13. Census

  14. Research on homelessness – emphasis on chronic homelessness

  15. Beyond McKinney

  16. NHCHC- joins health center clusters

  17. Cost studies

  18. Business Improvement Districts [BIDS]

January 6, 2020: Ending Homelessness Dream/Plans 2000-2005

  1. Create a Homeless Protected Class Resolution

  2. NCH Vision 10 years end homelessness

  3. Nat Alliance- 10 year plans ( infiltration of Federal/State and local governments- takeover of local homeless coalitions- replaced with plans to End Homelessness)

  4. Chronic homelessness

  5. McKinney – renamed - McKinney-Vento

  6. Kid’s Day on Capitol Hill 2000 and 2001- School Liaisons and elimination of segregated homeless schools

  7. National Housing Trust Fund Introduced 2001

  8. Bring America Home Act 2003

  9. Hate Crime/ Criminalization Reports

  10. Technical Assistance( Professionalism of homeless careers)

  11. Continuum of housing- cuts to outreach, prevention, shelter, transitional housing, and increase emphasis on permanent supportive housing as the solution by NAEH and CSH.

  12. Point In Time Counts [PIT]

  13. HUD cuts to transitional housing programs

  14. Zoning issues

February 10, 2020: Financial Collapse 2006-2010 & Increase in homelessness

  1. Foreclosure to Homelessness 2008 and 2009

  2. Ten year plans

  3. National Housing Trust Fund passes 2008

  4. HEARTH Act-stripped and new language put in from Alliance and CSH- 2009 passes amending McKinney Vento

  5. Rapid re-housing utilizing ESG in 2009.

  6. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act- Protection of Tenants at Foreclosure Act (2009, reauthorized, sunset in 2014, then reinstated and made permanent in 2018) and Homeless Prevention & Rapid Rehousing [HPRP]

  7. Census

March 2, 2020: Continued Professionalization of Homeless Providers 2010-2019

  1. Ten Year Plans USICH -2nd plan

  2. Cuts to shelter- funding to Rapid Re- Housing- inappropriately focus on hardest vs easiest to serve- fails to keep people in housing

  3. Coordinated Entry/ HMIS expansion/ TA funding increases

  4. Disaster coordination- initial steps between national Red Cross, local providers and HUD

  5. First funding National Housing Trust Fund distributed

  6. Homeless Bill of Rights

  7. Growth of Consultants

April 2020- Housing NOW 2020 Summit- Call to Action