Links to Organizations

Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA)
CURA was established to help make the University of Minnesota more responsive to the needs of the larger community.

CommonBond Communities
CommonBond Communities is Minnesota's largest nonprofit provider of affordable housing communities. They build and renovate housing with onsite essential living services for families, seniors, and individuals with special needs in partnership with the broader community.

Family Housing Fund
Preserving and expanding quality affordable housing for families with low and moderate incomes in the seven-county metropolitan area of Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Governor's Task Force on Housing
The Governor's Task Force on Housing will identify innovative strategies to create and preserve affordable apartments and homes to ensure all Minnesotans have stable housing and a place to call home. The Task Force will support what's working and identify gaps in the system, gain a broader understanding of what success looks like for people across the state, and develop innovative solutions to ensure that families, individuals, and communities have the foundation for success that they need.

Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
The product of a collaborative initiative between Blandin Foundation and The McKnight Foundation who share the goal of reducing the shortage of affordable housing in Greater Minnesota.

Home Ownership Center
A site for Minnesota home owners and those who provide support for home owners to locate services and information of interest to help with the responsibilities of home ownership. Contact Home Ownership Center for home ownership assistance.

The Homes for All coalition advances policy initiatives that lead to housing stability for all Minnesotans and includes over 150 organizations.

HUD - Minnesota Office
Information on HUD's work in Minnesota.

Joint Religions Legislative Coalition
Guided by basic Jewish and Christian moral vision, JRLC strives to further the cause of social justice in Minnesota by proposing and promoting responsible legislation; assisting congregations in the task of discerning and teaching God's vision of justice; and calling communities of faith to prophetic, unified action.

Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless
Informs the public about homelessness, its causes, and ways each person can take responsibility for ending homelessness. Their Homes for All Campaign can be found here.

Metropolitan Council
The Met Council conducts long-range planning in coordination with local units of government and other organizations to guide growth and development in the Twin Cities Metro Area.

Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA)
Committed to addressing Minnesota's housing needs by providing financial and related customer assistance so that Minnesotans have decent, safe, affordable housing and stronger communities.

Minnesota House of Representatives

Minnesota Legislature
The starting point for the Minnesota Legislature.

Minnesota Legislation and Bill Tracking
Get the latest copy of any bill before the legislature.

Minnesota Senate

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)

National Coalition For The Homeless

National Low Income Housing Coalition

Sunrise Bank
The Leader in Improving our Urban Community

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Works to eliminate substandard housing from the Twin Cities and to make simple, decent, affordable housing a matter of conscience for all.

United for a Fair Economy
UFE raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear communities apart. We support and help build social movements for greater equality.

VEAP - Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People
VEAP is a human service agency with programs focusing on the problems of hunger (Food Services), ongoing effects of poverty (Personal Support Services), isolation and disability (Transportation Services), and ongoing effects of poverty, hunger, and disability (Seasonal Services).

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