Cahill Place, Inver Grove Heights opening in September!

UPDATE 11/02:

Cahill Place is now open - To be considered for Cahill Place you need to go through supportive housing services. If you are in Dakota County, you would call the Supportive Housing Unit. For families and single adults, call the Dakota County Housing Crisis Line at 651-554-5751 and press 1 to be directed to Dakota County Intake.


In 2015, the MICAH South Chapter met with River Heights Vineyard in Inver Grove Heights to discuss the need for affordable housing. Pastor Pete and Pastor Gay talked about community services and their dream for land they owned next to the church, which they wanted used for affordable housing.

MICAH helped to coordinate a meeting with Dakota County, Dakota CDA, and others to discuss options. The City approved it unanimously! The Dream has become a Reality and opens September 2020.


Cahill Place will provide permanent supportive housing for 40 homeless families. The Dakota County Community Development Agency, Minnesota Housing, Minnesota Equity Fund, and Metropolitan Council provided project financing. Dakota County will be providing financial support for the onsite services.

Center City Housing Corp (CCHC) develops, owns, and manages affordable housing properties for people in need, including Cahill Place. They aim to serve the hard-to-house, homeless, and those with low incomes. With CCHC support, people around Minnesota are able to find stable housing and affordable rent and are linked to support services that aim to help them find stability in life.