COVID-19 Response - From our Executive Director

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread in Minnesota, and with deep concern for the health of our Volunteers, Board of Directors, Staff, and the people we serve at risk or experiencing homelessness and/or housing crises, MICAH is taking actions in line with the recommendations of Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Health.

MICAH will be primarily operating remotely. You may reach us by email and phone, contact details on our staff page. Please check this website and emails from our staff for ongoing updates.

We are canceling face to face chapter meetings and events for the rest of March and April. We will reevaluate the staffing, meeting, and events policy as the situation continues.

We encourage you to follow these simple recommendations:
1. Wash hands with soap and water, hand sanitize multiple times/day.
2. Do not touch your mouth, eyes, nose - wash hands before and after touching your face. Sanitize your phone and keys several times/day.
3. Suggested way to Greet others: Put your hands over your heart and smile (do not shake hands/hug/ or contact other person). Maintain a physical distance of 6 feet between people, we encourage you to stay home, and go out only for food/supplies, medicine, work if necessary and other essential activities.
4. Stay socially and spiritually connected by mail, phone and social media.
5. Love others as yourself - please remember that you may be infected and not showing symptoms- be careful around everyone, especially our elderly and those with health issues.

Be Well and Safe.

Thanks for your support!
God's peace,
Sue Watlov Phillips
Executive Director, MICAH

Here are some links to information that may be of assistance to you or someone you love:

State of Minnesota Coronavirus page with information and instructions, and current situation. MHP Covid 19 and Housing.

National Coalition for the Homeless - What homeless folks should know about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

HUD Exchange - Coronavirus Disease Risks and Homelessness, links to strategies & resources.

CDC Coronavirus information page, print resources, situation summary, and guide to Get your household ready.

MICAH will do its best to keep you up to date while advocating for better services and conditions.

We are supporting funding in MN. Department of Human Services and Department of Health and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for free testing, free medication and treatment, and free sites to quarantine/isolate people safely who are experiencing homelessness, precariously housed, and/or people with low income and/or no/or limited insurance. Read more on specific calls MICAH is supporting.

What’s in it and what do we still need, National Coalition for the Homeless.

Join us by contacting the Governor and your legislators, and asking them to make this public health commitment.

Contact the Governor’s Office.
Find your legislator.